Resource Center


Building the next generation of real-time crime centers

The Real-Time Crime Center (RTCC) is an extremely valuable resource for law enforcement agencies across the country. Though they have risen in popularity over the last two decades, until recently they were reserved for a few agencies that could afford them, with prices well into tens of millions of dollars, making them exclusive to police departments with the deepest pockets.

Included in these costs were not only the software, but the hardware and accessories that accompanied them as well as the personnel responsible for maintaining and utilizing these costly command centers. The next generation of RTCCs are not only more cost efficient, but have the capacity to seamlessly leverage a variety of police technologies, leverage cloud-connected devices, and even be mostly software-based themselves.

In this whitepaper, we share how the next generation of Real-Time Crime Centers is built on an open platform allowing for integrations with public and private cameras while increasing the abilities to provide better outcomes and address privacy concerns.

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